Industry News

Our Canadian government, like most other governments throughout the World, are very concerned of the spread of pests that may be destructive to the native forests. Through experiencing the Long Horned Asian Beetle, and the Emerald Ash Bore, we Canadians have learned firsthand the devastation these pests can create. During the past decade, measures have been taken to try to eliminate transfer of these pests through wooden packaging materials. International specifications have been put in place to try to achieve that goal, globally.

The CFIA continues to regulate foreign shipments coming into the country as well as ensuring that all outgoing shipments meet the ISPM #15 regulations, through the CWPCP program. Presently Canada and the United States have a bilateral agreement on cross border shipments, but notice has been given that the agreement will terminate in the near future. The Canadians are waiting for their American counterparts to come to agreement on the date of full implementation. The latest word is that early 2014 will be the date.

The most common method used in Canada for meeting the ISPM #15 regulations is “Heat Treatment”. Heat treating of lumber is a relatively inexpensive way of meeting the international standard, leaving wooden crates and pallets, still by far the most economical mode of transportation for the export of Canadian goods. We at Butler & Baird use the “Heat Treatment” method and adhere to the regulatory procedures to ensure our customers’ shipments will land at their destination with no fear of being part of the problem. You can rest assured that when you see the stamp #CA-00014, there will be no pest problem.

For a full explanation or an update on the termination of the bilateral agreement, please feel free to contact us.